
  • Make This For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 10. 15:39

    How to install Windows 10 on a Mac. Why yes, you can install Windows 10 on your Mac.

    Wunderlist is a simple to­do list and task manager app that helps you get stuff done. Whether you’re sharing a grocery list with a loved one, working on a project, or planning a vacation, Wunderlist makes it easy to capture, share, and complete your to­dos. Wunderlist instantly syncs between your phone, tablet and computer, so you can access all your tasks from anywhere. “The best to­do list app.” ­ The Verge Wunderlist has also been featured in The New York Times, Lifehacker, Forbes, The Guardian, Wired, and Vanity Fair, just to name a few. Fixed: Deleting a lot of to-dos? We’ve got your back! That bug that caused sync issues has been fixed and now you can delete to-dos to your heart’s content while maintaining that lightning fast sync.

    Fixed: We don’t wish to fast forward a season but when a daylight saving time change comes around again you’ll be grateful that we’ve fixed the issue which caused Today and Week Smart Lists to show the incorrect day. Fixed: Some of you were experiencing our app crashing when switching lists, and we just can’t stand for that type of behaviour. Consider that bug well and truly squashed.

    3.4.3 Mar 17, 2016. Fixed: We like to save you time, which is why we’ve fixed the bug that meant that you had to click on a to-do before you could click on its link. Fixed: If your app was crashing when you searched for unsynced to-dos, we’re sorry about that one. We’ve now sent that pesky bug to a galaxy far, far away. Fixed: If you came across some strange options when right-clicking in a Smart List, then you’ll be glad to hear we’ve fixed that issue. Fixed: We went a bit avant-garde with some of our UI. Apparently the world is not quite ready for uncentered images so we tweaked a few minor UI issues in this update.

    Make This For Mac

    Fixed: Were your due dates looking a bit weird when using the calendar in Japanese or Thai? Gomen'nasai (sorry)! We’ve fixed that strange bug. 3.4.0 Dec 9, 2015. New: Add a to­do from either your list or from Quick Add (CTRL+ALT+W) and you will now get tag and assignee suggestions. Just type # to quickly choose from your most used tags, and @ to see and choose from all the people in your shared list.

    Assigned a to­do to someone by accident? Just hit the x at the top right of the Assigned to icon. New: Are Smart Due Dates occasionally being a little too clever for your liking? If you don’t want a due date to be created then simply hit ESC while typing to cancel the Smart Due Date. Fixed: GMT was having a magical effect on some of your to­dos and as you got further away from that time zone it was messing with your automatic reminders.

    We’ve fixed that now. Fixed: If you were experiencing slower sync then you’ll be glad to know we’ve fixed that issue. Fixed: Various bugs and minor improvements. 3.3.2 Oct 6, 2015.

    Fixed: Getting the spinning beach ball of death when checking off a to-do in a large shared list? We’ve popped that ball, and it should no longer be bouncing into your Wunderlist.

    Fixed: As usual, we’ve fixed some crashes and minor bugs. New: Feeling a little daring today?

    You can now mix up your hashtag styles with our added support for full-width hashtags. Yep, that’s right, you can now use # and # as you tag your to-dos. Pretty exciting, right?! New: Rydym bellach wedi ychwanegu Cymraeg at Wunderlist!

    Sicrhewch fod gosodiadau eich cyfrifiadur wedi'u gosod i Gymraeg, yna gallwch ddechrau cwblhau'r tasgau ar eich rhestr. If you can understand that then you’ll realize that we’ve added Welsh to Wunderlist!. 3.3.1 Sep 3, 2015. New: We’re very big fans of our brand new Quick Add & Search feature. Tried it out yet? Hit CTRL+OPTION+W and behold but we digress. Some of you were not so keen on Quick Add & Search popping up when you clicked the toolbar icon.

    M a c cosmeticsMake cheese for mac and cheese

    We’ve listened, and we understand. So now, if you want to open the app or your preferences from the toolbar, just right click on the icon.

    New: We’ve added in some extra emoji magic power! Put an emoji at the beginning of your list name and in a flash it becomes your list icon.

    New: You can now log in with a Microsoft account. Fixed: Using Chinese or Japanese to add your to-dos?

    Then you may have noticed that we were cutting you off mid-thought in Quick Add. We’ve fixed this so that we’ll no longer be rudely interrupting you when you enter long to-dos. Fixed: We’ve fixed some minor usability issues with Quick Add & Search (CTRL+OPTION+W, don’t forget now!). Fixed: If you were experiencing crashes, we apologise.

    We’ve fixed these now too. 3.3.0 Aug 3, 2015. New: Download the update, hit CTRL+Option+W and behold the beauty of our new Quick Add and Search feature. It’s not just a pretty face though, behind that sleek exterior lives a very powerful mind.

    Click on the ‘+’ and you can quickly add a new to-do with Smart Due Dates., such as ‘Tweet about how pretty the new Wunderlist update is today at 5pm’, a due date and reminder will automatically be added to your to-do without you having to move away from your keyboard. Now toggle across to the magnifying glass where you’ll find a mighty go-to and search function that lets you quickly go to one of your lists or a particular to-do. The best bit? You don’t even need the app to be your focus view for this to work. As you work through a document you can quickly add to-dos without getting distracted. New: You won’t just find our Smart Due Dates. in Quick Add though.

    Every time you want to add a to-do in the app you will be able to type in when it’s due and Wunderlist will set the due date and reminder for you. Improved: Do you have a million lists and can never find any of your to-dos? Well, we’ve improved our Search just for you. It’s now a lot faster and more accurate.

    On top of that, it will save your common search terms and you can choose whether you want to filter out your completed to-dos or not - just click on the dropdown next to the magnifying glass in the app’s search bar. Fixed: We’ve cleaned out a few gremlins in the system including the one where our app crashed when you tried to open a file from the Quick Look screen.Smart Due Dates are only available for English, German, Japanese and Chinese. More languages to come soon!. 3.2.2 May 21, 2015. Fixed: Here at Wunderlist we like to help. We like to help a lot.

    But perhaps this time we went too far. Our Wunderlist Helper has been working at 110%. We’ve dialed it back so that you’ll no longer experience high CPU and network data usage. Fixed: Did we say we like to help? It’s true, but perhaps we don’t need to remind you twice that you should be doing your chores. The issue with duplicate reminders should now be fixed.

    If you still want our help, tweet us @wunderlist or find us on Facebook. 3.2.1 Apr 30, 2015. New: Deleted a list by mistake? Oh wait, there’s a new button to fix that - just click on ‘Recover your data’. Fixed: We apologise for rudely interrupting you as you comment in Japanese.

    The small issue of cutting off Japanese text halfway through a comment has now been fixed. Fixed: We fixed the confusing issue of avatars switching to someone else’s on a shared list. Don’t have an avatar? Then you may have noticed we’ve made your picture look a little bit prettier. Fixed: We had a pesky little bug that was setting incorrect due dates on Quick Add.

    We’ve squashed it. Finally, we had a few more minor bug fixes and improvements. 3.2.0 Mar 12, 2015. This is the update you’ve been waiting for because Folders is here! So click ‘More’ to learn.

    If you’re a list-lover and sometimes find your Sidebar resembling an episode of Hoarders, you can now organize them into Folders by clicking and dragging one list onto another. Your Sidebar is now magically cleaner and super organized.

    We’ve made your Sidebar supercalifragilisticexpialidocious by giving it a brand new design and a healthy dose of gorgeous color to make it easier to differentiate between your Folders, Lists, Inbox and Smart Lists. And finally, we’re super happy to report back that the annoying language switching bug that many of you were reporting has been apprehended by the authorities and won’t be making a ruckus anymore. So what you think of Folders & the new design? Just leave us a review. Capture your ideas, thoughts and reminders in an instant.

    No matter which app you’re using, when an idea strikes just type ⌥⇧W to use the brand new Quick Add widget. It lets you instantly add an Item to your Inbox along with a Reminder and Star. In case you make a mistake in a Comment, you can now take back what you said because we’ve added the much requested ability to delete them. Just ⌥+click or two-finger tap on your trackpad. And to round this update out, we put our mine-sweeper to work to find and remove a bunch of bugs for better performance. 3.1.1 Nov 26, 2014.

    Mac Makeup

    As one of the first apps to fully support OS X Yosemite, we’re super excited to share what we’ve got in store for you! - Say hello to the Today widget. Whenever you need to know what’s on your agenda, simply open the Notification Center’s Today view, and you’ll find all your to-dos due today. If you’re browsing the web with Safari — or other apps like Maps — and come across something you want to keep or view later, just click on the share icon and Add to Wunderlist button to save it. To perfectly match Yosemite’s redesigned interface we’ve refined every detail of Wunderlist for Mac’s design so your lists look stunningly beautiful. Plus, we’ve also optimized the code behind the app so everything feels incredibly smooth. Wunderlist now fully supports Handoff.

    If you’re working on a list on your Mac, you can now pick up exactly where you left off on your iPhone or iPad when you head to a meeting. We’ve also fixed a whole swathe of creepy-crawly bugs and made more stability improvements for you. 3.0.3 Sep 25, 2014. This latest update is all about fixing those nagging bugs.

    Thanks to everyone for sending in your feedback and helping us find them. Due dates have no longer suffer from time-zone problems.

    If you have a discreet graphics card, we've taught Wunderlist to not get over excited and only use your CPU's on-board graphics. Adding Files is even easier. Just drag and drop them to anywhere in the Detail View. If you love to search, you can now email and print your search results.

    #Tag suggestions are now faster, more responsive and case-sensitive. Sorting's been improved for non-Latin-based languages and all languages when sorting alphabetically. Scroll-bars now look even better. Japanese text no longer gets truncated. A whole bunch of smaller bugs. 3.0.1 Aug 12, 2014. Wunderlist 3 brings over 60 new improvements, making it our biggest update yet.

    New, more intuitive design and reengineered apps make Wunderlist feel faster than ever before. Real-time Sync instantly updates your lists, no matter where you are. Collaborating with Wunderlist is now even easier, with a simpler way to share todo lists. Comments are now free to help everyone stay in the loop with family and colleagues. Curate your favorite things to do, see and make for everyone on the web, with Public Lists. 2.3.5 Jan 6, 2014.

    Covenant Girl PH Absolutely Saved My Day A friend told me about this app. It has simplified my life times 1,000. I had notepads everywhere with lists of To Do’s for business, personal, around the house, shopping, etc. So many pieces of papers and notepads I was frustrated I could not somehow organize them so I could keep up and not feel overwhelmed with everything I had to do.

    I could not keep up with anything. Now it is all in one place and alplabetized so it is easy to locate. I can put a reminder and due dates on each item so I get a reminder to do it as it needs to be done. I can delete it once it is completed without having pages of notepads with items marked through but needing to keep the page with other items that need to be done. I can share lists with family members so they can add items to a Wishlist for Christmas or for items needed at the grocery store.

    Which by the way is the easiest way to have a grocery shopping list because you add items as you think of them and it is shared so whoever does the shopping always has a current list. I have the app on my laptop and my phone. The lists always sync on both so always have it available no matter which one I use. Absolutely the best thing that has happened to me to simplify my life. I owe my friend and will be taking her out to one of the nicest restaurants in Dallas as a thank you for how she has helped me get my sanity back! Thanks Rebecca you are a saint.

    Covenant Girl PH Absolutely Saved My Day A friend told me about this app. It has simplified my life times 1,000. I had notepads everywhere with lists of To Do’s for business, personal, around the house, shopping, etc. So many pieces of papers and notepads I was frustrated I could not somehow organize them so I could keep up and not feel overwhelmed with everything I had to do.

    I could not keep up with anything. Now it is all in one place and alplabetized so it is easy to locate. I can put a reminder and due dates on each item so I get a reminder to do it as it needs to be done. I can delete it once it is completed without having pages of notepads with items marked through but needing to keep the page with other items that need to be done. I can share lists with family members so they can add items to a Wishlist for Christmas or for items needed at the grocery store. Which by the way is the easiest way to have a grocery shopping list because you add items as you think of them and it is shared so whoever does the shopping always has a current list. I have the app on my laptop and my phone.

    The lists always sync on both so always have it available no matter which one I use. Absolutely the best thing that has happened to me to simplify my life. I owe my friend and will be taking her out to one of the nicest restaurants in Dallas as a thank you for how she has helped me get my sanity back! Thanks Rebecca you are a saint. ByHisgracealone It's good but it could be just a little bit better.

    My only issue is with the lack of flexibility for recurring tasks. One reviewer mentioned have the ability to set a recurring task only for weekdays. That would be helpful.

    But my biggest issue is that you cannot set the tasks to repeat on completion of the task. This can be annoying with daily tasks that don't all get complete every day. They pop up as overdue, which is fine, but then when you check them off, they pop up again for the same day. It is actually worse for things that are repeated less often - I.e. The task of watering plants.

    If I set that to repeat once a week but don't get it done on that day but a couple of days later, when I check it off, it brings it back up 5 days later. If I don't remember to change the due date, my plants may get too much water. The reason I use apps such as these is because my memory is not the best. I need help with that. The plants are not so important, but lack of that option makes the app less useful.

    It would also be nice - though not critical- to have the option to repeat things with other criteria, like on the first Monday of each month, etc. Otherwise, I am happy with the app. Could be happier.

    I would not even mind paying a few dollars for the added flexibility. ByHisgracealone It's good but it could be just a little bit better. My only issue is with the lack of flexibility for recurring tasks.

    One reviewer mentioned have the ability to set a recurring task only for weekdays. That would be helpful. But my biggest issue is that you cannot set the tasks to repeat on completion of the task. This can be annoying with daily tasks that don't all get complete every day. They pop up as overdue, which is fine, but then when you check them off, they pop up again for the same day. It is actually worse for things that are repeated less often - I.e.

    The task of watering plants. If I set that to repeat once a week but don't get it done on that day but a couple of days later, when I check it off, it brings it back up 5 days later. If I don't remember to change the due date, my plants may get too much water. The reason I use apps such as these is because my memory is not the best. I need help with that. The plants are not so important, but lack of that option makes the app less useful.

    It would also be nice - though not critical- to have the option to repeat things with other criteria, like on the first Monday of each month, etc. Otherwise, I am happy with the app. Could be happier. I would not even mind paying a few dollars for the added flexibility. Nupe3 Simply the Best I really don’t have time to write reviews, but Wunderlist deserves for me to reinvest a portion of the time and energy that its saved me over the years in a glowing review.

    I have tried more than 10 Organizational programs, most of which were free, had nominal cost or had plenty of Internet Hype and after about 5 years and many trash cans later, this one is hands down the best! I manage 6 Departments with multiple direct reports. I sit on 4 Boards and have numerous family commitments with teenage kids.

    I would be lost without this program. I love that you can combine Business and Personal all in one. You can assignl tasks to your subordinates and then keep track of their progress while they hold themselves accountable. You can create notes and follow up dates. You can attach documents and even e-mail tasks to yourself in meetings.

    The list goes on and on.if one of your resolutions is to get your life in order and you want to do it efficiently, electronically and cut out paper and enable cross platform integration - your phone, laptop, iPad and Desktop, your search is over!!! No downside other than not downloading and using it and every opportunity!!! Thank you Wunderlist for the best program in the APP Store!!!

    Nupe3 Simply the Best I really don’t have time to write reviews, but Wunderlist deserves for me to reinvest a portion of the time and energy that its saved me over the years in a glowing review. I have tried more than 10 Organizational programs, most of which were free, had nominal cost or had plenty of Internet Hype and after about 5 years and many trash cans later, this one is hands down the best! I manage 6 Departments with multiple direct reports.

    I sit on 4 Boards and have numerous family commitments with teenage kids. I would be lost without this program. I love that you can combine Business and Personal all in one. You can assignl tasks to your subordinates and then keep track of their progress while they hold themselves accountable. You can create notes and follow up dates. You can attach documents and even e-mail tasks to yourself in meetings.

    The list goes on and on.if one of your resolutions is to get your life in order and you want to do it efficiently, electronically and cut out paper and enable cross platform integration - your phone, laptop, iPad and Desktop, your search is over!!! No downside other than not downloading and using it and every opportunity!!! Thank you Wunderlist for the best program in the APP Store!!!

    2:51 Editors' note: This post was updated on August 12, 2015, with information on how to remove Windows from a dual-boot Mac. If you haven't already heard, Windows 10 is pretty great and worth installing on your PC. Apple fans won't miss out either, since the new operating system can be installed on your Mac as well. To install Windows 10 on a Mac, you will need the following:.

    The Mac you plan to install Windows 10 on. A thumb drive with at least 5GB of storage space (for reference, I named mine 'WININSTALL'). A second computer that already runs Windows. A fast Internet connection Note that you won't need a Windows 10 license for the installation, but you will need to buy one if you want to continue to use it on your Mac after the 30-day trial period. Following these instructions will install Windows 10 on your Mac in a dual-boot configuration, meaning you'll have the option to choose which operating system (Windows 10 or Mac OS) to use each time you turn on the computer.

    And, if you later on change your mind, the guide also includes the information on how you can remove Windows afterwords. This guide is for a Mac that doesn't have already have Windows installed.

    If yours already has Windows 7 or Windows 8 on your Mac, you can. Part 1: Getting the Windows 10 file on your Mac Step 1: Insert the flash drive into your Windows computer and download Windows 10's. There are and versions, depending on which Windows system you intend to use the tool on.

    If you're not sure whether your computer is using 64-bit or 32-bit Windows,. Only the version compatible with your system will actually run. Pick the option to create an installation media.

    Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET Step 2: Open the downloaded media creation tool, choose Create installation media for another PC then click Next. Make sure you pick the 64-bit architecture. Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET Step 3: Select the Language, Edition and the 64-bit Architecture for Windows 10, then click Next. It's important that you select the 64-bit Architecture, unless your Mac specifically supports only the 32-bit architecture (very few do).

    If you select the 32-bit or both option, you may run into problems later on. As for what edition of Windows to get, check out this to find out if Pro or Home fits you best.

    Keep in mind that you will need to buy a license later when you need to activate Windows and the Pro edition is more expensive than the Home edition. The N edition of Windows 10 is for certain European markets. Choose to save Windows 10 installer as an ISO. Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET Step 4: Choose to save Windows 10 installer as an ISO file then click on Next. Don't worry, you won't need a DVD burner or a DVD at all.

    Note that you'll want to avoid using the USB flash drive option here since, in my experience, the Windows 10 USB installer drive created using Windows has trouble working on certain Macs. Save Windows 10 ISO file. Dong Ngo Step 5: Choose a location to save the Windows ISO file. For this guide, I chose to save that file on the flash drive, but you can save it anywhere on the computer and then copy it onto the flash drive later. Depending on your Internet connection, this will take between a few minutes and several hours. Once the file has been saved on the flash drive, remove it from your Windows computer and insert it into your Mac. You will not need the Windows computer again for the rest of the process.

    Part 2: Getting the flash drive and your Mac's partition ready Note: At times you'll be prompted to type in the password for your Mac's admin account. Make sure you have that ready. Copy Windows 10 ISO file onto the Mac's desktop Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET Step 1: Insert and then open the flash drive. Copy the Windows ISO file onto the Mac's desktop. Leave the flash drive connected to the Mac for the rest of job. Make sure there are no other flash drives or external hard drives connected to the Mac. Run Boot Camp Assistant Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET Step 2: Run Boot Camp Assistant, then click on Continue.

    Boot Camp Assistant is located in Applications Utilities folder. You can also quickly search for it using Spotlight. Make sure all tasks are checked. Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET Step 3: Make sure all three tasks Create a Windows 7 or later version install disk, Download the latest Windows support software from Apple and Install windows 7 or later version are checked. Then click Continue.

    Mac Official Site

    Prepare to make Windows 10 install disk. Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET Step 4: If you've copied the Windows ISO file to the Mac's desktop, it will be automatically located. If you put it elsewhere on the computer, you'll need click on Choose and browse for it. The flash drive will be automatically chosen as the install disk if it's the only flash drive plugged in. Verify everything then click on Continue.

    Boot Camp Assistant will then confirm the erasing of the flash drive before turning it into a Windows 10 install disk (make sure you have no important information on the flash drive.) After that it will also download the latest Windows support software onto the flash drive. Make sure you choose the right partition size for Windows 10.

    Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET Step 5: Boot Camp Assistant will prompt you to choose the size of the partition that you'll use for Windows. Use the slider to select the size. Windows 10 itself requires at least 20GB to install, so you'll want more than that to make room for software and data. Note that this is the only time you can pick the partition size for Windows so make sure you make up your mind before continue. Once done, without removing the flash drive, click on Install.

    The partitioning will takes place and then the Mac will restart. This is the end of part 2. Make sure the flash drive remained plugged in for the entire part 3. Part 3: Installing Windows 10 Windows 10 installation starts Dong Ngo/CNET Step 1: The Mac will automatically boot up from the flash drive and start the Windows Setup process.

    You'll be prompted to choose the Language, Time and currency format, and Keyboard settings for Windows. Do this, then click on Next. Note: If somehow the Mac doesn't boot from the flash drive, just restart it, hold down the Option key after the Apple startup sound for available boot options, use the left/right keys to pick the flash drive - which will likely appears as 'Windows' - and press Enter to boot from it. Enter the Windows 10 product key or skip it.

    Mac Products Makeup

    Dong Ngo/CNET Step 2: Enter the Windows 10 product key if you have it, then click on Next, or click on Skip. The installation process will then ask you to confirm the Windows edition you want to install, and ask you to agree to the terms and conditions.

    Reformatting the partition for Winodws 10. Dong Ngo/CNET Step 3: Eventually, you will be presented with the all existing partitions, one of which is marked as BOOTCAMP. This is the partition you want to install Windows 10 on. Select it then click on Format.

    Do not do anything about the rest of the partitions. Confirming the formatting of the BootCamp partition. Dong Ngo/CNET Step 4: Windows Setup will then ask you to confirm, click on OK and then click on Next.

    Windows Setup doing its thing. Dong Ngo/CNET Step 5: Windows Setup will continue the rest of the setup process by itself. This should take about about 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the speed of your Mac.

    After that, the Mac will start up with Windows 10. You will be asked to go through with the normal steps of setting up a new Windows computer, including creating an user account. Installing Boot Camp software is the last step that makes Windows 10 run well on your Mac.

    Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET Step 6: As you log in for the first time, you will be greeted with this Boot Camp installation message. Click on Next and follow the rest of the installation, reboot the computer, and you're done! If you don't see this message, open the flash drive, and double-click on the Setup file inside the BootCamp folder.

    Once Boot Camp is done installing, you can remove the flash drive from the computer. It's no longer needed. Windows 10 brings new excitement to Mac computers.

    Dong Ngo/CNET While you have both Mac OS and Windows 10 on the same machine, you can only run one of them at a time. To manually select which operating system to run, during the startup, hold down the Option key after the Apple startup sound and then use the left and right keys to select which one you want to boot into, then press Enter. To set which operating system to boot up as default, use the Boot Camp control panel (Windows) or Startup Disk in System Preferences (Mac).

    Removing Windows If for some reason, you don't want to have Windows 10 (or any version of Windows for that matter) on your Mac anymore, you can permanently remove it and regain the disk space the Mac OS. Here are the steps. Boot into Mac OS, run Boot Camp Assistant and click Continue. Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET. Pick the third option that reads Remove Windows 7 or later version then click on Continue. Removing Windows means the entire Boot Camp partition will be earased.

    Screenshot by Dong Ngo/CNET 3. In this step, just click on Restore; you will be prompted for the Mac's admin password to confirm. After a short process, Windows will be removed like it had never been installed.

    Note that removing Windows also means that all data, including software and files, stored on the Windows partition will be permanently erased.

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