
  • Amv Video Codec Keygen Download
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 16. 10:47

    This codec also helps your computer render a higher video quality and improve its performance. Some of the most advanced compression options provided by AMV2 Video Codec are offering support for compression formats RGB24, YUY2 and YV12; being able to convert RGB24/32 to YUY2 and including a multi thread version (because it doesn’t support the Hyper-Threading Technology of Intel). The parameters you can adjust in your videos are the compression level, the interlace technique, the keyframe time interval, the input and output color formats and so on. By creating custom presets for different video formats you will not have to redo the settings each time. AMV2 Video Codec is available in a paid and a shareware version.

    Amv Video Editor Free Download


    Amv Video Downloader

    If you use the free release, the codec will place its watermark on the video file.

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